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WEF-Inspired Financial Totalitarianism Imposed Upon Thailand By Fiat?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the World Economic Forum and what looks to me to be their attempt to impose this so-called digital wallet, these totalitarian tokens, whereby all of our financial activities can be surveilled here in Thailand. Basically what we are talking about is there what seems to be their plan to try to do this so. Where am I getting this from?

Well I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: PM gives E-wallet start date. Let me quote directly: "Registration for the 10,000-baht digital wallet handout will kick off on August 1, according to the Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin." The first big question is, I have been gone for a couple of weeks and I was keeping track of this from a distance. Where has the authority been granted to expend all of this public money? Was there a vote in Parliament on this that I missed? And I am happy to you stand corrected. Please tell me in the comments. Where, at what point was due process undertaken to expend all of this money and more importantly to indebt the nation for all of this money? I would really like to see that because just the Prime Minister coming out and saying this is what we're going to do, I'm sorry. To paraphrase The Big Lebowski, "This is not Nam, this is bowling. There are rules." You don't just get to say we are going to spend hundreds of billions of Baht in public funds without some form of legislative due process. Quoting further: "Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat, who chairs a subcommittee working on the details of the handout," and that is another one. It's a handout. Thais don't need a handout. I'm just tired of this and it is also based on this pretext that we are in some kind of massive economic downturn which I fail to see. Now I know that there are those out there that are predicting problems, especially in the export sector. But as we discussed in other videos, quarter one was booming. Tourism was up, consumer spending was up nearly 10%. I mean this is compared to the rest of the world which is languishing. Again I fail to see; the entire narrative surrounding the “need” for this digital wallet, this so-called "oh there's an economic problem; we need to solve it; let's do this digital wallet." First off, where were all these people during COVID when you shut down our economy? Secondly this isn't the answer. Going into debt for a bunch of so-called money that can be turned on and off; they can tell you how it can be spent and they can tell you where it can be spent. That's just a bum steer all around; that's the worst of both worlds. The nation has to go into tons of debt for something that they can't really use the way that you think of using money for. What is that? What is that plan? That seems nonsensical to me. In any event, quoting further "..said the main committee agreed with the proposal not to borrow from the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives." Okay, so then where's the money coming from? Quoting further: "He said the committee also agreed with the proposed scaling down of the program from 500 billion Baht to 450 billion Baht," Wow! Okay. So it's not a full 2 orders of magnitude more liquidity than already exists, it's 1.85 orders of magnitude more liquidity than already exists. Quoting further: "..adding that despite this change, it would have a positive impact on the economy." Again, I fail to really see how. We've gone over this in multiple prior videos. This isn't money. It's a digital token that they can decide where, when and how you spend it and for how long you can use it. And they give a whole myriad of stuff that it can't be used on, so really the only people who are going to heavily benefit from this are like low level, retail sector and I'm starting to think is this kind of being tailored down to just target a specific subset of the business community so they profit enormously, by the way at the expense of the nation as a whole because we are all going to have to pay this back, because we are going into debt for it, or they are using budget funds that will then have to go into debt further to use those budget funds that they have used on the things that were pre-allocated, that those funds were already allocated for. We have still got to build roads and bridges. Just because they use budget money that once was earmarked for roads and bridges and now give it out in this digital wallet scheme, so-called, you are still going to have to go into debt to pay those roads and bridges then. So ultimately, somebody has to pay for this. And again, they never seem willing to explain how or why or where they are getting this money from, other than it looks to me like the nation is going to go into an inordinate amount of debt to create something that we wouldn't call money or never heretofore have we ever called money. Quoting further: "Mr Julapun said that funding for the project would come from two sources -- the 2024 fiscal budget (165 billion Baht) and the 2025 fiscal budget (258 billion baht)." So the whole budget, for the whole country, is going to this? And then they are saying well we're not going to have to go into debt for it? Well absolutely we are going to have to go into some kind of debt because we got to pay for the normal cost of doing Government business. What are you talking about here? 

Now meanwhile, I know that there are those who would argue that “well you are being hyperbolic by bringing up the World Economic Forum”. Am I? I've done the videos before where we didn't see for the entirety of the prior Government, roughly 12 years, nobody went to the WEF, nobody went to the World Economic Forum. I don't know if they were persona non grata there, whatever, but they didn't go and by the way that's to their credit. Whatever you want to say about the prior Government, they weren't hanging out with these people. That said, we get this new Government, the Prime Minister has already been there; other members of the Cabinet have already been to this World Economic Forum. I question whether or not some people outside of the Government have been hanging around this body and have gotten on board the 'Klaus Schwab brother loves travelling salvation show train' or whatever it is that this thing is, but at the end of the day, yeah members of the Government have overtly been to this meeting and this is a meeting of people that you need to be very, very careful of. I would call them something akin to what was once described as internationalist or in the vein of what was once called the Comintern, the Communist International. These folks remind me a lot of the old school International Bolsheviks. Meanwhile, they are purported, claim, their purported raison d'être is for being further proponents of the “public-private partnership” model of governance, not government. I always love that they always use 'governance' whatever that means. Again so on the one level they have all these characteristics of International Bolshevism, meanwhile “public-private partnership”. What's definition of Fascism? As Mussolini said, "it's a marriage of state and corporate power." It looks to me like this WEF, this World Economic Forum are simply the evangelists of the worst of all worlds in terms of government of a society. Therefore everything you don't want, basically totalitarianism, that's how I look at it. 

That said, going over here to the WE Forum, so, so that's the WEF Forum, World Economic Forum under: How Universal Wallets can help businesses unleash the full potential of digital identity. Bear that in mind. This isn't about money, it's digital identity. Did anybody in Thailand, one, vote for any of this orders of magnitude more liquidity that we're all going to go into debt for, in order to have a Digital Identity System imposed upon us? Is that what we want? and quoting directly: "Notably, under such schemes, it's possible to share only pieces of identity, as needed -- for example, a person can use a mobile driver's license in California to verify their age without sharing other details of their identity. Health insurance cards, airplane boarding passes, city transportation cards and COVID-19 vaccination records can all also be stored in a smartphone mobile wallet."

Is this what we want Thailand? For the government to create a digital system of surveillance on us where they have all of our identity documents. Then on top of it, they get to fully surveil all of our financial transactions. Moreover, is this what we want to spend two orders of magnitude more liquidity than currently exist in the banking system right now that we go into debt for, in order to create? Is that what we want? Because I didn't see anybody who signed on for that during the last campaign. I mean yeah sure everybody's going to get on board with the notion of free money - which there's no such thing as that either - I do get that. We all like the notion of, "hey we get some free money", but this is worse than free money. This isn't even free money because it's not money. As we have discussed before, they can tell you where you spend it, they can tell you what you spend it on. How is that cash? Well it's not. At the end of the day, cash is a great medium because you can spend it on what you want and you can stay private when you do it. That's not what's being advocated here. What's being advocated here is two orders of magnitude more liquidity than currently exists in the banking system that the country has to go on the hook on, meaning that the people of Thailand are going to have to pay back that money in the longer term sense in terms of higher taxes, to get what, at the end of the day? To get tokens that the Government can then use to fully surveil them at all times. Is this what we want? Does Thailand want to become the testing ground, the guinea pig if you will for these 'pie in the sky, notions from the World Economic Forum? I certainly hope not.