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What About Importation of Cannabis to Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing importation of Cannabis and Cannabis products into the Kingdom of Thailand. Now I want to preface this video by saying, look we very much are in a state of flux right now with respect to the regulatory regime and the laws on Cannabis here in Thailand. So what I am saying right now is going to be somewhat speculative, especially moving forward but sort of the state of play at the moment. 

Under certain circumstances yes, there may be for research purposes for example, the ability to go ahead and import certain Cannabis items into Thailand but a couple of things are worth noting. First of all there isn't really a regulatory regime in place so as a practical matter importation is going to be pretty darn difficult. We have had some clients and things contact us about this issue and we have gotten into the research portion of it; there is a lot of pitfalls associated with importation. One of the major reasons for that is the underlying policy paradigm that undergirds the initiative to get this legalized and regulated here in Thailand and that underlying policy initiative is to create this industry for Thailand. Thailand did not legalize this in order to become a net importer of these products and you have got to realize that when thinking about, people fail to look at policy oftentimes when they look at Law. They just they just sort of look at Law and they say 'oh well that's the rule". Why is that the rule? When it comes to Cannabis right now, we don't have fully fleshed out rules just yet, we are still kind of evolving those but understand what the underlying policy has been and you will get a better insight as to what the laws, laws and regulations may ultimately look like. What am I talking about here? Well, a perfect example of this is importation. Again Thailand is looking to create a domestic market; they are looking to create domestic production probably, on the industrial scale at some point and they are looking probably to be a net exporter at the end of the day. They are not looking to have legalized this so that other countries can import into Thailand. The moment you realize that, you are going to have a better understanding of probably how these laws are going to evolve, how these regulations are going to evolve over time. 

So again under present circumstances, very difficult. Again research purposes and things, there may be some leeway there but as a practical matter, I don't think you are going to see a lot of the ease in the area of being able to import Cannabis products into the Kingdom of Thailand.