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Will Cannabis Rules Change in the Aftermath of Thai Government Shakeup?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Cannabis here in Thailand yet again. I thought I was kind of done talking about this for a while; I've had a lot of inquiries and a lot of comments from people asking me what I think is going to happen in the aftermath of the Government shake up we have now seen. For those who are unaware, the Prime Minister here in Thailand has been dismissed pursuant to an opinion by the Constitutional Court here in Thailand ruling five to four, that he committed an ethics violation thereby removing him from office. Then effectively that created a caretaker Cabinet. We are now presently as of the time of this video, awaiting a further vote for a new Prime Minister and presumably a new Cabinet thereafter and then we are hopefully going to be seeing a new Government take shape. 

That said, where does that leave Cannabis? As we discussed in prior videos, there has already been effectively, I actually think this incoming Government if you will could change the rules pertaining to Cannabis, but I don't think it will change it in the way that was being discussed before which was just this unilateral "oh it's re-criminalized because we say so!" I don't think that's going to happen because a small group of people just said so, it's now re-criminalized. As discussed in prior videos, the consensus that was reached some weeks ago, or some days ago, was that it should go before Parliament; a Bill should be reintroduced before Parliament. I agree with that. This should go before Parliament and it looks like that's continuing to be the case. 

But that being said, we will see a new Cabinet. We will see Parliament in kind of a different posture in the aftermath of this, so what exactly comes out of Parliament in terms of a promulgated law remains to be seen, but we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as the situation evolves.