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Will Thailand Ever "De-Dollarize"?

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I have been talking quite a fair bit about BRICS, the sort of countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, plus, now I believe Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia; Egypt I think is now in BRICS. There are a number of countries that are in that bloc. 

We have also discussed on many occasions here recently, especially the OECD which is sort of if you will sort of the G7 countries. It's kind of like a banking, I don't know how you quite put it, confederation or something, a cooperative group - economic cooperation is in the very title of OECD - so that they have been talking about a lot. This harkens back, I remember when they were talking about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and then the Chinese counterpart to that was RCEP, I can't remember what the anacronym was for but we have seen this before where people have been talking about international trade and where does Thailand play out. 

As I have said in many other videos, I view the future for Thailand especially like the next decade as just Thailand standing in the middle of a kaleidoscope and it just sort of spins around them and things are changing but Thailand itself largely remains the same. I think this is going to continue but the question posed by this video: "will Thailand ever De-Dollarize? There's all of this talk about "Oh BRICS, and Thailand may join BRICS," and let's be clear, Thailand may join BRICS. In fact, I think it's more likely than not that Thailand will join BRICS. Does that mean Thailand's going to De-Dollarize? I don't think so at all. If anything, I think Thailand sitting in sort of the catbird seat if you will in terms of geopolitics, currency, the flows of currency as well as the flow of trade, in that Thailand can do business with a lot of different entities and they don't have to exclude anyone. 

And I don't think Thailand is going to be looking to exclude the dollar in any way. If anything, just purely looking at it bilaterally, the United States and Thailand have a long robust friendly relationship. I mean it's a true alliance; it's been in existence, I believe they are the oldest ally of the United States in the Pacific Region and it goes back through ups and downs, highs and lows throughout history. I don't see any reason why we would see Thailand De-Dollarize. Now I could see trade changing in a way where other currencies come to the foreground along with the dollar, but the notion that Thailand would just give up the Dollar and turn her back on it, I think that's pretty ridiculous.