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YES! We Charge Money for Services

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing, well we are discussing the fact that yes, we charge money for our services. For the umpteenth time here recently in the past day or so, I saw somebody who had contacted our firm, we had told them the terms of our services and then they run off and post terrible reviews about us basically saying "this guy wants to charge for services before talking to me". Yeah, that's what legal professionals, attorneys, whatever do. At the end of the day, we charge money for our services, okay? 

Now I'm not trying to be ultra, ultra-mercenary in this world, but I do have to make a living. Also I find it deeply aggravating I guess is the right word, when people say "oh my God you're charging for this” when I have put up nearly 7,000 videos in the nearly 8 years we've been making these videos - for free. I don't even make money off of YouTube. Yeah obviously there's a promotional element to this stuff but I like to think that we have provided information, we have provided insight, we have provided value for free, via these videos. This is the free part, okay? If you want Legal Services, if you need to take up my time or the time of folks here in the office - other Thai Attorneys, our accountants, our tax people, our visa specialists, property specialists - it costs money it just does. I know. There are people out there that "well they do a free consultation, they do this, that and the other thing!" Guess what? You get what you pay for too. Okay?

When you're talking to me and you have paid for my time, you're going to get the straight, unstepped on dope about how things are going to work, and I am going to tell you stuff that; I tell people all the time, "I don't like pushing work away but you don't need to do that; you don't need to go through this convoluted thing where you pay a bunch of money. You can go this route or not do it at all and it's not a problem." That's the point, that's why you're paying for the service at the end of the day. I don't know where this is coming from. I guess it's a byproduct of the internet or maybe people, and you know, I hate to say people are entitled. I don't think that necessarily they are, but I do think that maybe they are used to things in other jurisdictions or they are used to dealing with people that just aren't me, and just aren't this firm. Whatever. Deal with whoever you decide to deal with but at the end of the day, yeah we do have to charge. Because if for no other reason I have got to figure out some way of making money in order to put up these videos for free into the foreseeable future.