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Banking Issues Associated with Thai Condo Purchase?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai condos specifically banking issues associated therewith. For those who are unaware, it is possible notwithstanding the restrictions on foreign land ownership, foreign real estate ownership here in Thailand, it is possible for a foreign national to own a condo. They can gain Freehold Title to a condo; they own it in Chanote title; they have their own title deed and they have their own condo. 

One of the big issues associated with this involves banking because there is a specific way in which the money has to be brought into Thailand and has to be credited a certain way with certain documentation which has to be processed through the various banks, the bank that will hold the account in which the money comes into that need to be correctly processed in order for the condo purchase to effectively go through in compliance with the Thai Condominium Act so that the foreign national can gain their title deed. In point of fact, there are formalities associated with banking that have to be undertaken in order for the foreign national to gain freehold title of that condo. Many of our Thai property Attorneys here assist in those endeavours; they oftentimes will assist in processing the banking documentation that is necessary associated with Freehold title acquisition for a Thai Condominium.

So again, there's a banking component associated with purchasing a condo in Thailand that I think many foreign nationals are unaware of and it is something that can have a major impact on one's ability to take title free and clear of a condominium here in the Kingdom of Thailand.