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Can I Run a Thai Company Out of My Condo?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are posing the question, can one run a Thai Company out of their Condo? I actually wrote a post, a blog post probably sometime around 2010 or '11. I think part of the title was "why buy an iPad when you can get a Thai Pad?" or something like this. It was on the Integrity legal blog which has been going since 2009, still going strong. I will still throw up a blog post every now and again on there. 

There was a time when it was possible to effectively sort of atomize oneself into one's Thai Condo by setting up a Thai Company and then using that Thai Company to maintain Work Permit and Business Visa status. As a practical matter that is not possible, I have done videos on this before and it's mostly due to tax certification. Now most condos, condo juristic persons and units don't want to allow incorporation that way anymore because it infers an imputed tax increase because it now is sort of Commercial Property. Now it is kind of a gray area and I am not going to go too deep into that, but long story short and the thing to take away from this video is yeah in theory you could incorporate a corporation into a Condo here in Thailand using that address. In practice getting the Work Permit issued on that is going to be very, very difficult because again tax certification is probably going to be denied under those circumstances. So that means, again corporate domicile is a major issue when maintaining a Thai Company and I do understand a lot of people want to have their own autonomy with regard to owning a Thai Condo.

So the thing to take away from this video and the thing to understand is, you can have both but you may not necessarily have them both in the same place. The biggest thing regarding corporate domicile again it is a very circumstantially dependent area where again the facts in one case may drive a completely different analysis than the facts in another one. So for those who are honestly looking at maybe trying to set up a Company in a Condo, it is probably a good idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.