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Thai Condo Ownership and Pink ID Card Issuance?
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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Pink ID cards and Thai condominiums. For those who are unaware, there are a number of restrictions on foreign nationals being able to own land here in Thailand but there are not the same restrictions when it comes to Thai Condominium ownership. Pursuant to the provisions of the Thai Condominium Act it is possible for a foreign national to own freehold title here in Thailand and I have gotten into the details on that in many other videos so we'll set that aside for the moment and get back to the issue at hand which is specifically pink ID Card issuance.
Now what are we talking about when we talk about a pink ID card? As we have discussed in prior videos, there is a Civil Registration Act here in Thailand which was emitted I believe in 1991 to allow something called a Yellow Tabien Baan which this is a house registration book. Thai Nationals have a Blue Tabien Baan or Permanent Residents in Thailand have a Blue Tabien Baan and that is their house registration book. It is kind of the key identity document here in Thailand. It is a registration in one's House book. In the past it was not possible for a foreigner to have a house book at all. That changed, again in 1991, when a Yellow Tabien Baan was created to allow foreigners to be in a house registration book. The vast majority of folks that were in these were in condominiums. They were folks that in most cases owned freehold title to a condo here in Thailand. Later on, this has probably been about the last 10 years they created what is called a pink ID card which in the past was primarily only used to deal with migrants that were basically living along the border areas. In more recent years it has been expanded out to allow for the more Cosmopolitan international travellers especially in the city areas, to go ahead and get an ID as well, a photo ID. Many people find this to be very useful. In a very real sense I would posit and I am sure this is not all people that have pink ID cards, but I would say probably the vast majority of folks that do have a pink ID here in Thailand have a Thai Condo because they have a house registration book and part and parcel with that is they sort of get their pink ID.
So yeah, to sort of sum up this video, yeah condos in Thailand can be real benefit to foreigners and one of the benefits is the ability to get, in fact much more easily I think compared to other scenarios, to get a Thai pink ID which is an ID document that can be used by foreigners here in the Kingdom.