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Thai Condo Quotas Can Be Complex

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing condos in Thailand, specifically the foreign quota. For those who are unaware, under the Thai Condominium Act it is possible for a foreign national to own a condominium in Thailand but it has to fit under what's called the foreign quota. 

So basically, foreign nationals cannot own more than 51% of a given condo complex. But then you get into the question of what exactly does that mean because different condominium complexes are going to have different square footage; they are going to have different numbers of units; there is a lot of variability, it is almost a specialty unto itself. One of the lawyers here in the office, I was talking with her about condo quotas before making this video, obviously for informational purposes only, and she said look it's kind of almost a specialty under itself sort of understanding how to make the quota work. It's not exactly like these condos are sort of labeled per se as foreign or not, it's just like how circumstances stack up in terms of the overall complex as to whether or not one can get a condo classified under the foreign quota or not. So again, square footage factors into this, the number of units factor into this, the number of tenants factor into this depending on how many foreigners already own condos in a given condo complex, that can have an impact on the quota, especially as a practical matter. 

So the thing to understand and the thing to take away from this video, if you are looking to buy a condo in Thailand, it's definitely possible to get Fee Simple Absolute Title or what is called Freehold Title over a Thai Condo, even if you are a foreigner. There are formalities you have to go through and it's a pretty good idea to contact a legal professional and gain some insight and guidance especially as far as due diligence regarding the ratio within that condo complex between foreign and Thai.