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Are Foreigners Only Allowed to Own 5 Baht of Thai Gold?
Transcript of the above video:
As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai gold again. For those who are unaware, Thailand has its own weight and measure of gold called the Baht, not to be confused with the currency unit Baht, although I suspect that is probably the root word where it originally came from. We are not talking about Baht in the sense of the folding money if you will, we are talking about gold Baht, which is its own weight and measure for gold here in Thailand. We have done another video recently on that topic. It's rather interesting. The issue of weights and measures is something that I think very few people look at the legal ramifications of that and how having a different weight and measurement sort of interacts with legal notions in an international context. That really isn't the purpose of this video today though.
There was a comment on that video that I decided to go ahead and make this video sort of in reference to. The comment, quoting directly: "Foreigners can only own 5 Baht of gold." And this comment led to sort of back and forth with other commenters and I decided well this was probably a good thing to make a video on. Yeah there is no evidence I have found that that is true at all. In fact, I have bought more than five Baht worth of gold in the past, as a foreigner by the way, before I became Thai and this was in one go. This wasn't sort of accumulated over the aggregate of a couple weeks. No, in point of fact I know of no rule that requires foreigners cannot buy more than 5 Baht worth of gold here in Thailand. Now I have looked around at this; I have kind of poked at it a little bit; I could do a deeper dive, I am always happy to stand corrected but there is nothing I found to this effect. In fact I went to a Thai gold shop before making this video and I just double checked and one, I said "is it possible for me to buy 6 Baht worth of gold?" and I hadn't told him I was Thai or anything and pretty sure blonde haired, blue-eyed, white guy they are probably not presuming I was Thai when I came walking in and I just asked in English, and the person I was talking to spoke English and I said can I buy 6 Baht of gold and this person happily was like "oh yeah, absolutely, we'd love it if you buy 6 Baht worth of gold. We want to make that sale." Yeah I don't know where this person got this information from but to the best of our knowledge, as of the time of this video, it is possible for a foreign national to buy more than 5 Baht worth of gold here in the Kingdom of Thailand.