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ResourcesThailand Real Estate & Property LawTitleBeware Shady Foreign "Property Agents" in Thailand?

Beware Shady Foreign "Property Agents" in Thailand?

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Unfortunately, I have got to make one of these videos again. I recently did a video regarding honestly, what I think is just appalling behaviour by foreigners over here claiming to be able to dispense tax advice regarding Thai Tax, which is just nonsense, but I have made enough videos on that at this point. 

That said, I've gotten recent emails from people who have also been saying "hey these so-called foreign property agents have been telling me I can do this, that, and the other thing and I've watched your videos, and they say, hey you can't do that". Well long story short, much like with anything over here that involves a foreigner, take everything with a grain of salt if they are claiming to be a professional because 9 times out of 10, they're either total frauds, or they are operating in contravention of Thai Law even if they are perhaps qualified to provide for example, they may be a real estate agent in the United States or something like this. But as we have discussed in other videos, agency brokerage, anything having to do with land and real estate is highly restricted - both restricted occupations - as well as there are laws in Thailand restricting, specifically restricting foreigners from even getting involved in the land trade. So again, this is one of those scenarios where you are talking to some “foreign agent”. Well, how is that person an agent, if they can't legally be an agent in Thailand? As we have discussed at length in other videos, you can go through the list of restricted occupations; it's there, it's in black and white, it's in English. It's on the Department of Employment's website in English regarding this stuff. This is not some blurry, "oh it's nebulous, it needs to be sort of, it needs to be interpreted." No, it's in English, unequivocally that we know this. 

So again, what my best advice regarding so-called "property agents" that are foreign here in Thailand or any real property agent here in Thailand, if it sounds good to be true, it probably is. If you're hearing direct contravention of things that I have said, for example I've noted in many videos you cannot use a Company here in Thailand to circumvent their restrictions on foreigners owning land. Now as I've said in other videos, there are limited circumstances where use of a corporation that may own land with a foreigner that's involved with corporation where it may be appropriate. A lot of times that may involve somebody who's married to a Thai national, they are running a business together or something. But that is a very narrow subset of cases. The vast majority of cases, if you're trying to set up a company to own land for a foreigner, it's going to be pretty much considered hardcore illegal if that is scrutinized, so it's not a great idea. 

The point I am trying to make with this video, I'm not just sort of doing a rant here, 1) if it sounds good to be true, it probably is. If it's in direct contravention for example with stuff I have said or things that people have said to you, go back and at least just research it again, and then finally always, always, always, be aware of the fact that they will try to yes you to death. You'll ask questions, "oh yeah, that's fine; oh yeah that's fine," without any further sort of explanation. Just, "so it's okay if I'm a foreigner and I own land in Thailand?" "Oh yeah, it's fine, we'll just do this, that and the other thing, and it'll all work out." Well, how does that work? You need to kind of follow up on these things because unfortunately again, they will yes you to death here - in a lot of different contexts - and I have seen a lot of clients over the years who have even told me they said, "yeah we were just so excited about getting that villa, we didn't realize .." It's like well did you not realize or were you just so excited that you just kind of barreled into it and didn't really want to look at the possible problems? I get that. People get excited; they want something; it's a dream vacation home or whatever. Fine, but just use a little bit of common sense, and again, if it sounds good to be true, it probably is; if it's in contravention to things that you've heard are hard and fast rules here in Thailand, research again and finally don't get "yessed to death".