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Can Amity Treaty Companies in Thailand Own Land?
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As the title of this video suggests, we are asking any question can Amity Treaty Businesses, Amity Treaty Companies here in Thailand own land?
Well first of all let's do a little preface here. What is The Amity Treaty? As I've discussed in many other videos, the US-Thai Treaty of Amity, which the current iteration was ratified in 1966. That said, our Treaty relationship has existed for nearly 200 years; our diplomatic relationship has existed for 200 years; our Treaty relationship has existed for 190 years, maybe 191 now, I can't remember off the top of my head. In any event, the long story short is, this Treaty, notwithstanding the provision for the Foreign Business Act here in Thailand which restricts foreigners from owning more than 49% of businesses, this Treaty allows Americans or American businesses to do business here in Thailand with what is called "National Treatment". That means that Americans can own these businesses 100% despite or in spite of I should say, the existence of the Foreign Business Law here in Thailand. So, setting that part aside, the question becomes can they own land?
As discussed in other videos there are still restrictions within the provisions of the Treaty itself which you do restrict land ownership and even land trading. So the thing to take away from this video is no, Amity Treaty Companies cannot own land in the Kingdom of Thailand.