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Documentation In Thai Property Transactions?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing documentation pertaining to Thai Property transactions. I thought of making this video after reading a recent comment on a prior video we did on Thai property transactions. Quoting directly: "I have a question Benjamin. I have heard that an important document to attain" (I think they mean obtain) "when buying property in Thailand is called a Chanote or a Chanote." (spelled actually wrong in either case; generally speaking when you see that transliterated, the word is Chanote, "c h a n o t e".) Quoting further: "What other document is important to attain in the Thai parlance please?" Well it depends on what you are doing.

And again I need to reiterate, I am not a Thai Attorney. Thai Attorneys here in our office assist directly with property transactions. I make these videos as an American Attorney with Thai Nationality to provide some Comparative law insights sort of for educational purposes on this channel. But long story short, yeah it depends on what you are trying to do. 

Generally speaking, if you are purchasing property all you are basically going to get at the end and when I say "all" it's sort of the whole kit and caboodle if you will, is your Chanote, it is your title deed. That said, are you doing a lease? Well, you may need to have a lease registered. Are you doing something akin to a usufruct or superficies, an ongoing right of use of the property? Well you may need to have that registered as well. Again there is also tax documentation associated with the transfer fees that occur in the Thai Land Office at the time that real estate is transferred over, but with respect to specifically advising regarding exactly what documentation is going to be needed or provided in a transaction involving real estate here in Thailand, it's going to be greatly dependent on the underlying facts in the given case.