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Formalizing a Will in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing formalization of a Will here in the Kingdom of Thailand. We are not talking about probate issues, anything like that. 

Basically the thrust of this video is signature issues, witnessing issues which will vary from case to case depending on circumstances. Different types of wills, in my opinion there are multiple different ways you can formalize a will in Thailand. We do the vast majority of our Will formalization in one way. There are different ways it can be done but quite frankly there are for lack of a better term, there are the ways that consistently work and there are ways that do not. Depending on how a Will is set up for example like a Will that is filed for example with a Civil Registrar is going to be dealt with differently than what is called a Holographic Will which is like a hand-written Will and those are going to operate differently than what I think of as kind of a standard Will which is just a Will that is written down, reviewed and then it is signed by the party and it is witnessed according to laws on formalities here in Thailand regarding the witnesses; regarding whether or not it needs to be notarized etc. So it is going to vary a little bit depending on how the Will has been drafted and how the Will is maintained, in a sense. It will vary from case to case. I know folks think I am kind of a broken record with that but yeah it does, it varies from case to case. 

Those who are looking at possibly drafting a Will in Thailand or they already have a Will outside of Thailand and they kind of want to know “do I need one for Thailand? If so will it interact with my International testamentary instrument? You might want to go ahead and contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.