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ResourcesThailand Real Estate & Property LawTitle"Irregularities In The Issuance Of Land Title Deeds" In Thailand?

"Irregularities In The Issuance Of Land Title Deeds" In Thailand?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing, well we are discussing irregularities in Title Deeds here in Thailand. Now this video is coming up, I made another video, it went pretty viral where I said foreigners need to take heed of a recent property case. This was the case involving the so-called 'beach bully' matter which basically there's all kinds of things going on in that case. Apparently this person was alleged to have assaulted somebody who he thought was on his property but it turned out the property he thought was his was apparently encroaching on to public land, I have made a number of videos on that. For those who are unaware of that, go check out our channel; you can probably type in 'beach bully' into the search function and you'll get the videos going back on what's going on there. But as I said in my prior video on foreigners taking heed of this, I felt like that there would be ramifications in a more broader context as a result of this investigation. Basically as scrutiny was brought to bear in that individual's case, oftentimes the way it usually works is it has broader ramifications. Unfortunately it is almost something akin to something like collective punishment. Basically one person is brought into the spotlight and alleged to have a problem and the authorities start looking everywhere. Well that's kind of what it looks like is going on here.

I thought of making this video after reading a recent article in the Bangkok Post, that is, the article is titled: Companies under scrutiny overuse of Thai nominees, again, This article goes into a great deal of detail, we are going to quote one small except here. I urge those who are watching this video go check out that article in detail. Quoting directly: "In another development, Authorities are looking into irregularities in the issuance of land title deeds for plots located along Yamu beach said a source." That is something that if you own property, you want be absolutely certain that the due diligence and everything was done, basically up to snuff in order to ascertain whether or not you are going to be subjected to not only scrutiny but possibly loss of certain land rights that you may have once thought you had. So again, not everything can be foolproof unfortunately and I can understand especially how foreigners, they are basically just having to detrimentally rely sometimes on basically the assertions of given land offices or excuse me not land offices, assertions of certain land developers.

That said, undertaking proper due diligence is a really good way of trying to mitigate these kinds of problems; basically ascertaining that the property in question is within the parameters of a given location, it's not encroaching over onto, in this case state land. That's something that you are really going to want to undertake and you are going to want to undertake it with a certain degree of vigour because basically you don't want to find yourself in a position where you could have problems with the state or in a position where you could see your property perhaps even seized or the borders if you will of what you thought was your property being substantially changed as a result of, as they put it in this article "irregularities" associated with the title. 

So again due diligence in a property context here in the Kingdom is very important. For those who feel like they are overwhelmed by these things or are looking at purchasing property here in Thailand, probably not a bad idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.