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Land Ownership with a Thai Amity Treaty Company?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing land ownership in the context of Amity Treaty Companies. I thought of making this video after reading a recent comment on our channel, quoting directly: "I believe Hotel organizations can own land in Thailand for purposes of hospitality. I believe some American organizations can own land under the Amity agreement between Thailand and the USA." 

Yeah you believe wrong, that's not correct at all. I did another video contemporaneously with this one where we discussed hotels specifically. That is not correct; I have never heard of anything like that. I checked with Attorneys, lawyers, Thai lawyers specifically, staff here in the office and they were like 'No, I have never heard of that." With regard to the Amity Treaty, I have discussed this at length in many other videos but yeah land ownership is specifically precluded under the terms of The Amity Treaty. There are exceptions to the terms of the Treaty of Amity; it is not a wholly monolithic document if you will. There are things that are reserved, continue to be reserved to Thai nationals only, even under the terms of the Treaty. 

For those who are unaware, yes it is possible to own many businesses in Thailand 100% for an American citizen again pursuant to the terms of that Treaty. But with regard to land ownership, that is specifically precluded as is the trading of land; so the land trading business is also specifically precluded and not allowed to be conducted by foreigners here in the Kingdom of Thailand.