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Not All Thai Property Titles Are Created Equal?
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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing well Thai property title. The thing to understand, I don't think a lot of foreign nationals really get this. In Thailand there are many levels of Thai property title.
We have discussed this in other videos and specific videos on specific types of Thai property for example Chanote Title or what we would call Freehold Title in the sort of Commonwealth context or Fee Simple Absolute which is what I always learned it as in the American Common Law context, what you call a title deed, ownership of that land. But in Thailand, there are other levels of this. Like Nor Sor Sam Kor and Nor Sor Sam and then you go even, I hesitate to even say lower, they are just different where there are sort of just rights of usage, conferred rights of usage to specific families or people that were on the land at a certain time, these are different things. This is very, very, again it is sort of like when you compare American property title just jurisprudence to British, you get a lot of things that don't exist in the American context for example on the British side you have got the fee tail or the entail, that pertains to these sort of hereditary titles whereas in the context of the United States, we just don't have that. In Thailand again that are varying levels of title and those levels of title may confer different rights and benefits as well as obligations so as a foreigner coming into sort of the game if you will of Thailand, you really need to understand that not all types of Thai property title are going to confer the same types of rights and benefits.