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ResourcesThailand Real Estate & Property LawTitleIs Notarization Necessary For Thai Wills?

Is Notarization Necessary For Thai Wills?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the necessity of notarization for a Thai Will. There are a number of formalities associated with Will drafting in Thailand but notarization is something that people will sometimes ask about. They will say: "Is it necessary to have a Notary?" Well it may not be necessary per se because again the legislation pertaining to Wills in Thailand actually was promulgated before Notaries were even invented in Thailand. But from talking to the Thai lawyers here in our firm, the consensus seems to be, where possible it is always better to have it notarized because that way there's no question that the person whose signature is on the Will is the person who signed it. It's just, in their opinion and I think it's a good opinion, I agree with it, it doesn't hurt, it only helps and it's one more formality that will bolster the Will's claim if you will to be the testamentary instrument in the event that it needs to be utilized. It bolsters it that much more that you have a notary next to that person's signature that is saying "yes this in fact was the person who signed that document”, and there is no question that that person is the one who signed that document. 

So yes, as discussed with the Attorneys, the lawyers here at the firm, yeah the consensus seems to be yeah notarization is better even if it's not per se necessary pursuant to Statute.