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Property Transfer Fees For Condos Transferred Pursuant To A Thai Will

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing property transfer fees associated with condos transferred pursuant to the provisions of a Thai Will. 

So for those who are unaware, it is possible for foreign nationals to own a condo in Thailand in freehold; they can actually own the title deed pursuant to the Thai Condominium Act, and if they pass away, they can pass it on to a foreigner who is their beneficiary under their Will. Now that said, as a byproduct if you will of probate - 'probate' is really the common law vernacular term for what the Thais refer to as succession in their system, similar concepts - it's the Court rendering judgment on the last testamentary instrument of a given person through the legal system. 

Now the upshot of that is okay the Thai Courts may order a, in this case condo to be transferred to another foreigner but there are still transfer fees associated with that. Here in Thailand, we have very, very low property taxes. In my opinion we shouldn't have any at all, but we do have very, very low property taxes and one of the reasons for that is we also have this thing called a transfer tax, a transfer fee that occurs when you transfer a property from one person or one entity to another. Yes those still apply notwithstanding the fact that the condo is being transferred pursuant to Court Order that emanates or should I say is triggered by the existence of a Will by a foreigner here in the Kingdom of Thailand.