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Thai Government Cutting Taxes On Property Transfer?

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If you've been watching this channel, you know I may have some mixed-bag feelings about the present government. I have mixed-bag feelings about every Government so anybody in this Government don't take it seriously, it just is what it is. 

One thing I do have to say is they have been trying to stimulate the economy to see people sort of better off as a result of sort of their actions; I will give them some credit for some laudable intentions. And in this situation we are talking about property transfers. For those who are unaware there are transfer taxes, transfer fees they are sometimes called, associated with conveyancing of property here in Thailand be that a Chanote Title Deed. Oftentimes in a foreign context we see this in the context of condos where you have a Chanote Title, it is possible for foreign nationals to own a condo outright under what we would call in an American legal vernacular, Fee Simple Absolute, sometimes referred to by Commonwealth folk as Freehold Title what we call here in Thailand Chanote Title. But to transfer it from one person to the other, there are fees associated with that that the Land Office will assess and collect at the time of transfer. But good news, I thought of making this video after reading a recent article in the Bangkok Post, that's, the article is titled: Cabinet endorses property stimulus. Quoting directly: "The measures include reducing the transfer fee from 2% to 0.01% of the transaction value, and slashing the mortgage registration fee from 1% to 0.01% of the transaction value." Now I have got to say, again this Government, if they lower these fees associated with this, effectively they are taxes, associated with these transfers I think this is a good thing. Hopefully it will stimulate some property transfers moving forward in Thailand. Definitely some good news for those who are looking to purchase property here in the Kingdom.

Bear in mind, notwithstanding the fact these taxes have gone down, it's always a good idea to conduct due diligence on any piece of property one is looking to purchase even here in Thailand; in fact I would say especially here in Thailand. For those who are looking at gaining assistance with not only due diligence but also property transfer itself, it may not be a terrible idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.