Are There Any Downsides to Thai Smart Visas?

A quick look at Thai Smart Visas and what the pros and specifically the cons could be to obtaining one.

Travel Arrangement Issues for Thailand Before Visa Approval

Some information with regards to the Thai Visa process at the present time for those who are planning a trip to Thailand.

New 10 Year Visas for Thailand?

A discussion on an article which gives details on the requirements for a 10 year visa that is being proposed.

The Phuket Sandbox: Could It Be Over Before It Begins?

Some information regarding the Phuket Sandbox scheme which may be impacted due to the recent and continuing outbreaks of COVId-19 in the southern provinces of Thailand.

US State Department Warning Travelers Off of Thailand?

Some insight regarding a recent announcement by the US State Department regarding travel to Thailand.

Location Tracking Wristbands for Phuket Sandbox Tourists?

Some information about travel in to Phuket in 2021 with regards to being able to track visitors at all times via GPS.

Could COVID Insurance Rule Cover Thai Business Visas?

Some more information regarding types of visas which may require cover for COVID Insurance in Thailand

Update on Vaccinations for American Expats in Thailand

A discussion and some insight with regards to COVID vaccines for American Expats in Thailand and whether it is the responsibility of the Embassy to provide such vaccines.

K-1 Fiancée Visas: Is Adjustment of Status Taking Longer?

Some information regarding the US visa process and reasons as to why there is some delay in the Adjustment of Status part of the K-1 Visa process.

Should Thailand Take a Look at Singapore's Evolving Thinking on COVID?

A discussion and insight regarding how Singapore is planning to tackle Covid-19 and some of the reasons behind their thinking.