Local Concern About Foreign Businesses Using "Thai Nominees"?

This is a talk on inland transportation which is heavily restricted from foreigners and is not being effected by a large number of Chinese companies using Thai nominees, which is illegal.

The "Beach Bully" Saga in Thailand Continues...

This is another talk on the issue of the 'beach bully' in Phuket who is now in Thailand on a very restrictive visa short-term visa while he awaits the decision of the Provincial court which could result in deportation.

Thai "Immigration Bureau Has Not Commented" on the DTV?

This talk is on the Destination Thailand Visa which has been talked about by many parties except Thai Immigration who will actually make the final decision regarding entry in to Thailand.

"Bitcoin Miners Are Considered Manufacturers in Thailand"?

This talk goes into an article regarding those caught working illegally in Thailand which in this instance involved a company illegally mining Bitcoin.

Changes to Border Run Rules in Thailand?

This is a discussion on the recent changes within the Thai Immigration system which now also includes changes to border runs which are no longer same-day endeavours.

Pavel Durov: A Cautionary Tale on Second Nationality?

This discussion goes into the issue of having two passports which are useful for travelling but due to biometrics etc. can not be relied on as a 'cloak of invisibility'.

"Soft Power" Destination Thailand Visas?

This talk is about the Destination Thailand Visa which is aimed at tourists and also persons interested in taking Thai cooking or Muay Thai lessons but in fact, the visa is new and still evolving.

K-1 Visas: Meeting Requirements and Single Status?

This talk is on one criteria for K-1 Visas which is that both parties need to be legally able to marry even though upon initially meeting they still be finalizing the previous marriage.

Thai Immigration Set to "Permanently Blacklist" 15 Foreigners?

This is another talk on 'foreigners behaving badly' who in some instances could end up being blacklisted especially if caught carrying out criminal activities in Thailand.