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"All 27" Thai "Volunteer Police" "Were Chinese Nationals"?
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Unfortunately, this narrative continues, or we are seeing increasing coverage of what has apparently transpired with regard to this volunteer police issue which I find very creepy here in Thailand and apparently involves Chinese nationals and this volunteer program - I'll get into that here in a minute - but some background here I think is warranted.
One, for a decade roughly you heard of none of this, okay? Then starting in roughly about August of 2023, two things I noticed happened. One, here in Thailand we became bombarded with World Economic Forum propaganda and then we started seeing members of the so-called "core coalition" party here in the Government begin to interact with the World Economic Forum in ways that I find extremely uncomfortable; I talked about it at the time. The former Prime Minister Srettha even went to Davos which I thought was creepy. The World Economic Forum - and as we will get to here in a moment for the thrust of this video directly - and China also have a lot of overlap especially it must be clear, the Communist Party of China specifically, so Communist China has to do with World Economic Forum greatly. The reason I bring that up is starting in August roughly about 2023, we started seeing all of these World Economic Forum talking points. They tried to get us into Digital Money over here which was its own boondoggle in my opinion - notwithstanding the fact that yeah maybe there was some need for some aid at a certain level in the economy here in Thailand - Digital Money that we all had to go into debt for in my opinion wasn't the greatest idea.
Meanwhile, at the same time, there was also an immediate and very hard and fast push to put Chinese police on the streets here in Thailand. I did videos at the time and they said, "Oh we're not going to do that." But as I have discussed in another video yesterday, it looks like they are still trying to sneak back in here and I quoted some sources at that time. Well here's another source, Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: House widens probe into volunteer police. May I personally say on that score, it's about time. I hope some more people start widening some probes on all of this volunteer police stuff. I have to be honest; I am aware of like the volunteer police down in Pattaya, a lot of farang and other foreigners will volunteer to help the police at big events, assist them with stuff like crowd control, things like that, putting up barriers and stuff, but they are not acting as police. The other thing is when you go and you see these guys, they have different uniforms on; they are clearly not regular police, and that more than anything I think is concerning to folks here in Thailand, especially Thais as I will get into here in a moment, but also for foreigners, because again - no offense to anybody here - but Asians to the foreign eye, you may not be able to tell the difference between a Thai and a Chinese person. And let's be clear, I'm not saying everybody looks alike or anything of that nature, but what I am saying is look there are Thai - Chinese; that are people that are ethnically part or some mixture of Chinese and Thai, and they may have Thai nationality, that again you don't think of them as Thai or Chinese, they just look like a person that's wandering around out here in South East Asia, they look like somebody like that. But if they have police insignia, if they have police credentials, how are you going to tell the difference, especially if you are a foreigner? Now as a Thai, I have huge problems with this - I'll get into that in a moment - but just looking at it from the foreign perspective, you have got folks running around with Police IDs or what purport to be Police IDs and they are interacting with foreigners, how are foreigners supposed to know the difference?
That said, quoting directly: "The House Committee on Police Affairs is digging deep in its probe into the controversial "volunteer police" training programme for Chinese Nationals." Again we discussed some rumours about this. It's starting to firm up that there is more information. We discussed it yesterday. Quoting further: "The move follows allegations posted on social media that the privately-run university was hosting a programme for Chinese nationals who paid 38,000 Baht a head to be trained as volunteer police," - and this is key - "and issued certificates and badges bearing the Royal Thai Police logo". Now that's a real problem to me, just on a personal level. Look, the Thai Police are the Thai Police; we know who they are. They are our peace officers here in Thailand. We need to know who they are. Why these foreigners are trying to infiltrate our police and look like our police here, is troubling on a level I can't even explain. Did nobody see the movie about the Battle of the Bulge with the English-speaking troops and things, and how that caused all sorts of problems. Again, I'm not talking about this strictly in terms of warfare but just on a commonsensical level, does nobody see how this is problematic? Who came up with this idea and why? How does it benefit Thailand or Thai people? Quoting further: "An initial probe by the MPB found the course, which offered training on crime and traffic reports" - why are we training foreigners how to do traffic reports in our country and to impersonate police in doing so? To what purpose? - Quoting further: "..was organized by a Thai-Chinese business investors association." Oh wow. Business investors association, with a Chinese lecturer from the university as an advisor and two senior police as guest speakers." So a Chinese lecturer brings in two police. Okay, no problem. Police coming in to explain what they do and lecture on how law enforcement works in Thailand, but what are they enlisting these “volunteers” into and for what purpose? And why are they being given ostensible identification of a Thai Police Officer? Quoting further, and again, this is key too: "All 27 participants were Chinese nationals." So, it's not like they can say "well it was a mixture; it had some Belgians in there, they were a few Brits, there was an American. We are doing this because we want there to be interaction with everybody”. No, this appears to be some exclusive program for Chinese nationals only, specifically it looks like mainland Chinese. That said, quoting further: "If any unlawful actions are found measures would be taken. Police General Kitthirath said anyone found involved in impersonating officials or misusing official uniforms or insignias without being authorized will be prosecuted." Well good, I would hope so. Impersonating a Police Officer is a significant offence, not just here in Thailand. Frankly any civilized country shouldn't have foreigners impersonating our police. I don't understand why this is so hard to understand. Why was this programme allowed to occur? Why are we allowing foreigners to impersonate our law enforcement officers? What's going on here? Quoting further: "Metropolitan and Provincial Police Chiefs must also inspect their units to ensure compliance. Any negligence will result in disciplinary, criminal and administrative actions." Yeah, I hope so. Quoting further: "Meanwhile, Police Colonel Kittipong Phansri, Deputy Commander of the Metropolitan Police Division 9 and acting Chief of Phasi Charoen Police, said no complaints had come in from Chinese participants about being charged for the training course. He encouraged them to do so." Well what a shock! The people that are trying to impersonate our police are not complaining about police impersonation! Oh, I'm amazed that that is not occurring.
In any event, look, anybody here in Thailand that's not troubled by this I don't know what to do for you, because what, we're going to allow foreign nationals to come in and impersonate our law enforcement officers? I have to tell you, me as a Thai, if I end up having to interact with some foreigner who's wearing our police garb, it's not going to be a positive interaction from me. In fact I'm going to resist that with every fiber of my being. I have listened to the national anthem of this country, okay? This is not what we're about, okay? Thailand held this colonialism off for centuries, let's be clear here, centuries and now what, we're just going to let the Chinese sneak into our Police System. I don't get any of this. I don't know why it's happening. I hope this probe widens out as far as it possibly has to, to figure out what is going on here, because I do not want to see foreigners impersonating Law Enforcement Officers here in the Kingdom of Thailand.