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Thai Citizenship for Female Spouses of Thai Men
Transcript of the above video:
As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai citizenship and for those who are unaware, it is possible to naturalize to Thai citizenship. I speak from experience; I am actually a naturalized Thai citizen.
First things first, the reason for this video is to discuss nationality in the context of foreign female spouses of Thai men which kind of begs the question, "Why are you talking about that specifically? Is there a difference?" In point of fact, there is. Where males become Thais, it is actually specifically noted as the “naturalization process”, whereas females married to Thai national men are adopting their husband's nationality. This is a very different sort of process. The reason I thought of making this video, a recent article from the Nation, that is, the article is titled: 36 foreign women received Thai nationality for marrying Thai men. Quoting directly: "The Royal Gazette website on Thursday (March 17) published a Ministry of Interior announcement that 36 foreign national women have been granted Thai nationality under the Thai Nationality Act of 1965."
So interesting. It is a different sort of process. Marriage to a Thai, it is not automatic by the way; there are prerequisites; there are requirements associated with applying for Thai nationality in any case and although it is slightly different and in fact the process moves more quickly when you are dealing with the case of marriage by a female to a Thai National Spouse. That being said, it is a pretty cumbersome process; it is rather time consuming and it oftentimes results in substantial expense in terms of time and resources. For those who are looking into this, it really is a good idea, contact a legal professional, gain some inside the guidance into how best to proceed.