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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawNationality LawThailand and the USA Focus on Biometrics in Immigration Context

Thailand and the USA Focus on Biometrics in Immigration Context

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing biometrics which has been a topic on this channel, not so much recently as we have had other things to discuss, but biometrics is increasingly an integral part of the Immigration process as it is generally used in an identification capacity.

In a recent article from the National Public Radio, that is, the article is titled Trump Administration Seeking to Expand Collection of Biometric Data From Immigrants. Quoting directly: "The Trump Administration is considering drastically expanding the Government's collection of biometric information from Immigrants seeking US citizenship, the Department of Homeland Security confirmed on Tuesday." Quoting further: "The proposal would allow the Government to demand more personal data, from more people, more often as part of the Immigration application process." Quoting further: "US Citizenship and Immigration Services currently requires biometrics or biological measurements from anyone over the age of 14 who applies for certain Immigration benefits. That information is limited to fingerprints, photographs and signatures but would be expanded under the proposed policy change to include DNA, eye scans, voice prints and photographs for facial recognition." Let me repeat that: "DNA, eye scans, voice prints and photographs for facial recognition". 

Now for those on this channel who watch this channel rather frequently because we are kind of US and Thailand centric, an article from the Nation that is, the article is titled: New State-of-the-art Thai Passports to be Issued Next Year. Quoting directly: "Thailand will start using the latest electronic passports in the middle of the year 2020."  Quoting further: "While the earlier passports used face and fingerprint recognition, the new passport will use the "iris scan system"; so that is so-called retinal scanning. Now going back again to this NPR article, I just want to read this again. "DNA, eye scans, voice prints and photographs for facial recognition". 

Long story short folks, it looks like there is generally a trend toward kind of some more Orwellian data collection associated with traveling, especially international travel, and Immigration implications associated therewith. I don't know what to say other than that. My personal opinions aside, this definitely marks sort of a watershed moment with respect to data collection. 

How exactly this plays out, especially in America where it hasn't been fully promulgated, we haven't actually seen this enacted yet, remains to be seen but we will try to keep you updated on this channel as the situation progresses.