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Trump Travel Ban Partially Reinstated by Supreme Court

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Today we're talking about the Trump travel ban which the United States Supreme Court or SCOTUS has gone ahead and partially overturned the injunction that was placed by lower courts on Trump's travel ban. Now the courts noted that they're going to more fully vet this whole thing in a later session and make it more complete, shall we say ruling on this matter sort of at a later date. But at least in the foreseeable future, it looks like the Trump travel ban has been reinstated with one notable exception. Those foreign nationals who have some tie to the United States, a family tie seems to be sort of the main crux issue with respect to this travel ban or sort of the partial overturning of it.

Those that can show and prove that they have a connection to the United States in the form of some close familial relationship may be able to go ahead and get an exemption from the travel ban and enter the U.S. notwithstanding that may have all the passport and have the nationality of one of the countries named specifically in the travel ban.

As we're out here in Thailand, it's not specifically pertained to us but as noted in other videos on this channel and further discussion across our websites, the extreme vetting protocols at certain State Department cables that have gone out from Washington DC up to embassies and consulates abroad, the overarching decisions of the Trump administration notwithstanding the issues including the recent cancellation of the prioritization of processing of non-immigrant visa applications, all of these kind of adds up to me to show that overall clearly this new administration is intent on creating, I won't say hardships, but perhaps more bureaucratic shall we say processing delays associated with the immigration process than the previous administration.

And I think it's fairly safe to assume that some of this is going to be come sort of inherent and the institutions that process various immigration benefits at least in the near term, I think this is possible. And I think it's very possible that as a result of this, we're going to see longer processing times, more scrutiny placed on applications for visas to the United States and petitions for visas to the United States through the Department of Homeland Security and visa applications through U.S. embassies and consulates abroad. And I think just overall, it's pretty safe to assume that in the not too distant future, we may one day be looking back to the Obama administration as far as visa processing goes and say "Man, those were the days." Not easy but it was easier.

I would say that I think it's fairly safe to assume that notwithstanding with politics, it's just safe to assume that from strict analysis from how the visa process is going to work moving forward, I think it's pretty safe to assume that tightened security and longer processing times are something to expect in the coming days and months in the future.