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A 17% Fixed Income Tax Rate to Attract Foreigners to Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing a 17% tax rate in Thailand for certain foreigners. I have made some other videos on this but I wanted to go ahead and make this one.

This is from, the article is titled: Thailand Issues New Incentives to Attract Foreign Investors, Professionals and Retirees. Quoting directly under Tax: "Qualified applicants will be able to enjoy the same income tax rates as Thai citizens as well as tax exemptions for income earned abroad. Further, they can apply for a 17% fixed income tax rate in accordance with the Eastern Economic Corridor scheme." As we discussed in other videos on this channel, the Eastern Economic Corridor sort of has its own body of law and regulation for those who are operating within the framework of that economic program, the Eastern Economic Corridor. Apparently this fixed 17% tax rate is going to be part and parcel of being able to operate within that zone. So, that could be a major benefit; it could be a major windfall to certain individuals who fit into the category. 

As we have discussed in another video on this channel, this EEC even has powers very similar to the BOI, the Board of investment, but again it operates specifically under the bailiwick of the EEC as opposed to BOI directly so it is kind of a different animal in many ways. Now we have yet to actually see these proposals and this has been approved in principle as we have discussed in other videos. We have yet to see this actually practically be rolled out so we will continue to make videos as the situation evolves.