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2 Foreigners "Charged with Working in Thailand Without a Permit"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing unfortunately yet again foreigners apprehended here in Thailand working without a Work Permit. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post , that is, the article is titled: Russian, Ukrainian caught illegally renting out vehicles. Quoting directly: "SURAT THANI: An elderly Russian and a young Ukrainian man were arrested on Sunday for illegally offering vehicles for rent on Koh Phangan Island. According to police, the Russian admitted offering the car for lease on the Telegram chat app and charging 15,000 Baht per month. The car was registered in Surat Thani. His clients were Russians. Both were charged with working in Thailand without a Work Permit."

Yeah, if you are not work authorized in Thailand, you're not allowed to do any kind of work in Thailand of any kind. And renting things out, I've discussed this in prior videos, you can even make the argument renting out condos is considered a service, renting out vehicles is as well and that seems to be what these people were apprehended for and ultimately charged with. Now it remains to be seen whether or not these folks are going to be fined and basically just told to go on their way, don't do it again or whether they will be processed through the system and deported and blacklisted; sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Generally speaking I think it has to do with the underlying facts in the case, but the thing to take away from this video and to understand is if you're looking to come to Thailand and actually work in Thailand, do the right thing because if you don't and you're not in compliance, even though you think; I noticed that they were using Telegram and Telegram is quite encrypted but at the end of the day it does seem like the Thai Authorities, part of the reason I think is possibly the increase in resources that Thai Immigration especially has had for about the last 5 years to go after folks who are violating Thai Immigration law as well as Thai Labour Law. Those resources have been expanded and as I have discussed in many other videos, the paradigm in Thailand is now less one of "Oh, Immigration and Labour are administrative functions". More and more they are much more viewed as Thai Law Enforcement. 

So the thing to take away from this video is if you are going to come to Thailand, you are looking to live here and you are looking to work here get yourself a Work Permit, get yourself work authorized. Otherwise you are going to have the same kind of problem and end up seeing yourself arrested, possibly deported, and even blacklisted from the Kingdom of Thailand.