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50,000 Border Entries to Thailand from Cambodia?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing 50,000 border entries, border crossings from Cambodia into Thailand? I thought about making this video after reading a recent article from the Pattaya Mail, that is, and I urge folks who are watching this video to go check out that article.

We are quoting actually just from a small except of a larger article that talks about more things than this. The title of the article is: Latest Thai-Cambodia border Immigration rules cause a few hiccups. Quoting directly: "About 50,000 foreigners are believed to have entered Cambodia or Thailand by land since the rules were relaxed on May 1. However, there is no way of subdividing the figures which will include returning residents, border market stall holders and guest workers as well as International Tourists. The land borders are busier than expected because International Air schedules are not yet back to normal." That is a real key thing there. "The land borders are busier than expected because International Air schedules are not yet back to normal." Yeah, I think there is probably going to be at least in the relatively near term, kind of it an immediate spike in Border Running because air travel can be kind of well it is kind of problematic right now still notwithstanding the fact they are rolling back a lot of these restrictions. Thailand Pass and these so-called Border Passes they are still required along these borders but it is kind of a fundamentally different thing when you are not flying; you are not in a totally different country; you are not hundreds if not thousands of miles away from Thailand and you need to get back to Thailand, you are just right over the Border. It is just logistically less of a concern.

Now that said there are still requirements associated with both departing into another country, in this case Cambodia, although Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia the same can be said for any of those places, incidentally Vietnam as well, and then there are also still requirements associated with being able to come back into Thailand. It still is not like what it was where you can just drive to border, hop out, hop back in. You still have got to go through some formalities that you did not have to deal with back before March of 2020, but things are getting better and it is looking like things are moving in the right direction.