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Are Thai Borders Reopened Like Pre-2020?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing border re-openings here in Thailand. We have been doing a number of videos on this recently, Cambodia borders, Laos borders reopening, Malaysia, we have been talking about things involving even though they don't share a border but Vietnam and Singapore, travel has been getting easier between Thailand and those two countries. Myanmar, it has been a little more vague about Myanmar but there is a lot going on over there. 

A lot of questions have been hitting us, people asking "So is everything just reopened like normal, like back to 2020, quarter 1 of 2020" I should say. My answer to that is "well it is getting there." I got to thinking about this also in more depth and quite frankly it is put rather succinctly in a recent article from the Pattaya Mail,, the article is titled: Six frequently asked Thai Immigration questions in May 2022. I really urge folks who are watching this video, go read that article. There is a lot of information in there, a lot of insight as the Pattaya Mail on a lot of these topics often conveys. Quoting directly:

"Are Thai land borders now open as in 2019? 

Many land borders, but not all, are now open to foreigners wishing to enter and depart. For example, it is not possible to enter Myanmar this way which requires an air ticket and Government permission. Moreover, foreigners cannot leave Thailand and return on the same day." That is key. I think that is really key. I am going to read that again. "Moreover foreigners cannot leave Thailand and return on the same day." Years ago, I first started this way. I came in to Thailand on a multi-entry Business Visa, I first started off in Thailand on a multi entry B and every 90 days I would run to the border. Usually I would go up to Poi Pet and play around in that kind of odd little casino they have up there for a couple hours, eat lunch, have a Coke, get back in the car and do however many hours it was back down here to Bangkok and on I went with my life. It is not currently possible to do that. Quoting further: "This is because they must register online after departure for Thailand Pass with at least 48 hours’ notice required to receive their all-important QR code. It isn’t possible to apply for an advanced Thailand Pass whilst still in the country thus Visa runners to Cambodia cannot simply cross the frontier and come back within hours." Yeah again it is just not possible to do that at this time. The requirements quite frankly are so cumbersome that it is just not feasible for anyone to make that happen, so bear that in mind.

The Border Run is not what it was in quarter one of 2020 as of May 2022. Hopefully, as the summer progresses and we hopefully put a lot of what I can only call hysteria behind us, we will start to see the system kind of revert back to what it was looking like in quarter one of 2020 and we will have much more easier freedom of access to the bordering countries as well as return access to the Kingdom of Thailand.