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Are Thailand Pass and Test & Go the Same Thing?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thailand Pass as well as "Test and Go" and the question is “what is the difference between the two?” 

Maybe I haven't made this overly clear from prior videos on this channel, they are two different things. "Test and Go" was an initiative, I think they came out with that like October of 2021 and then it got put on hold in December of 2021. It sort of came back in January and then it kind of ramped up to full speed; we saw it go through February, March and then they started not requiring it depending on your vaccination status and some things and effectively it is scrapped for now. The reason I got to thinking of this I was reading recent article from the Pattaya Mail, the, the article is titled:

Six frequently asked Thai Immigration questions in May 2022. I urge those who are watching this video to go check that out, a lot of good information in there. Quoting directly: "What's the difference between "Test and Go" and Thailand Pass? Quoting:

“Test and Go were the requirements to have pre-arrival and/or post-arrival COVID health checks. These were abolished for fully vaccinated arrivals on May 1, 2022. Thailand Pass, which is still in force, is the compulsory on-line pre-arrival registration system which requires uploading of your vaccination proof and evidence of insurance."

Yeah, two different things. In many ways, Thailand Pass is a function of Immigration and "Test and Go" was very much a function of the Public Health apparatus here in Thailand. So again, they kind of went hand in hand. You had to deal with it all to get in so I could see how people got kind of confused about all that. But yeah, Thailand Pass is not dissimilar for folks who have ever dealt with going into America that are part of a country that is in the Visa Waiver program, Thailand Pass is not too far off what is called ESTA in the United States, the Electronic System for Travel Authorization. Again it is an Immigration function. It is a function of US Customs and Border Protection in much the same way Thailand Pass is a function of the Immigration Police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here in Thailand, whereas Test and Go, these are public health measures. 

So again maybe to the layperson these are very almost semantic distinctions but they are notable nonetheless because they are, well one has gone away, Test and Go for vaccinated folks has just practically gone and it is really, really truncated even for the unvaccinated folks. Thailand Pass is still very much alive. They are talking about it going away but that remains to be soon. We will certainly keep you updated on this channel as the situation evolves.