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Bank Accounts and Thai Marriage Visas

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing O Marriage Visas in Thailand and the issue of Bank Accounts. I did another video recently on Thai Retirement Visas and the kind of catch-22 associated with getting a Bank Account. It is kind of a similar thing with a Thai Marriage Visa. I would even argue it might be a little more difficult depending on the context especially if you are under 50 because the catch-22 is, in order to get an O Marriage Visa especially an extension here in country, you need to have money in a Thai Bank Account or proven income in a Thai Bank Account. It is possible to have and renew an O Marriage Visa if you have a Thai Work Permit. We have done a number of videos on that in the past. I urge folks who are interested in that to just go in to the search function, do O Visa, Work Permit, you will get probably three or four videos I have talked about that specific issue in the past.

But with respect to, you are just using your bank balance or a pension income whatever, yeah there is a bit of a catch-22 especially when getting this going wherein you need to get the Bank Account in order to get the Visa but in many cases the bank won't open the account unless you have a Non-Immigrant Visa and in some cases Banks won't open the Bank Account without a Work Permit. 

So the thing to take away from this video and to understand is yeah there is a bit of a “cart before the horse”, “chicken or the egg” kind of situation going on here. It may not be a terrible idea if you are finding yourself struggling with this, it may not be a terrible idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.