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"Beach Bully" Case "Being Closely Watched Not Only In Thailand"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the so-called 'beach bully' case; we have discussed this in the past. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Thai Examiner, that's, the article is titled: New Zealand Day Brothers have landed back home in their own country after 4 months in detention. Again this was another one of these 'foreigners behaving badly' kind of stories that we touched on some months back and that involved these two people who assaulted a Thai Police Officer. Apparently they have now been released. They are back in New Zealand where they are originally from notwithstanding the fact that they apparently assaulted a Thai Police Officer here in Thailand, after only four months of detention. I don't even know that there was an adjudication in the matter or exactly what that adjudication entailed but long story short, a very odd situation involving that. I have done another video specifically on that topic and again we will certainly keep people updated on this channel as the story evolves. 

That being said, they did bring up this so-called 'beach bully' case. Quoting directly: "Public reaction in Thailand is tense amid recent high-profile crimes involving foreigners. Undoubtedly the incident was seen by the public in Thailand as showing a lack of respect for the law in the country." Yeah no joke. I mean they assaulted an on-duty Police Officer. Quoting further: "It came at a particularly sensitive time after a hugely controversial assault by Swiss businessman on a Thai female doctor some weeks earlier. That case is still before the Courts and is being closely watched not only in Thailand but by concerned parties in Switzerland. The Swiss man has had his Visa revoked." Quoting further: "At the same time, public opinion in Phuket has been pressing to limit lawlessness in their resort island. Much of this is attributable to the huge influx of both tourists and long-term residents. In particular, arrivals from Russia in flight from the war in Ukraine." 

I think the one piece of insight that you can pull from this whole sort of situation is okay, say what you will about the length of the detention of the two New Zealand suspects in that other situation, whether or not that was warranted especially based on the accusations and the evidence, what it did show to me was at the very least, there seems to be an impetus behind the notion of hey, rather than expend resources, local resources, detaining, jailing these people, let's just get rid of them. So I think it's fairly certain to say that the person involved in this 'beach bully' case, however the adjudication pans out, as noted in that article itself and as we have noted in prior videos, the Visa itself has been revoked and the Interior Minister has basically said in no uncertain terms, that he's not really interested in seeing that person have another Visa. So however the adjudication turns out, I think it is probable, in fact highly probable, that the person involved will likely be deported and not allowed to return to the country. Now again, this seems to be the preferred method at least if you are looking at it from the perspective of this prior New  Zealand case or this New Zealand case that came shortly on the heels of the so-called 'beach bully' case. Long story short, it does not look like that punishment is the priority right now and it seems like just getting folks out of the country is, folks that are behaving badly.

So again, how exactly this plays out remains to be seen but it seems logical to presume that there will at least be some sort of movement more toward deportation based on what's happened in this other case. Again though you can't presume that. Each case is different in Thailand. There is no usage of precedent, the so-called Stare Decisis system we use in the Common Law, that doesn't exactly exist here in Thailand. So again you can't necessarily extrapolate an outcome or a conclusion regarding a probable outcome based on a prior case or another case. But that said, I think to some extent, it is fairly logical to infer that at the very least, deportation will occur if for no other reason than again, one, I think reasonable people can strongly disagree regarding the punishment meted out in the case involving the New Zealanders and the assault on the Police Officer, but what we do know is that ultimately they did leave the country. So again, I think it is fair to presume that that is probably going to be what happens in this other case as well.