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"Bitcoin Miners Are Considered Manufacturers in Thailand"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, not a topic that's come up a lot here recently on this channel. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from,, the article is titled: Thai officials raid illegal Bitcoin mine after power outages. Quoting directly: "Bitcoin miners are considered manufacturers in Thailand and must pay associated taxes..." I thought that was rather interesting because on the one hand, I kind of see why they say they are like manufacturers: it's sort of like how in the United States they have begun classifying certain fast food restaurants as ‘manufacturing’. Now I think that's mostly done to create some obfuscation in the numbers regarding onshore manufacturing in the United States, but I understand the underlying premise of it. You're sort of manufacturing bitcoins when you're in the process of mining them, kind of an interesting legal notion there. Quoting further: "..must pay associated taxes but illegal mining has been on the rise for years. Jamnong said his team returned to enter the house on Thursday but a guard denied them entry. They then returned with a search warrant and found most of the equipment had been moved. He said the house had been rented by a company for around 4 months but the power outages began mid-July when the mine likely became fully operational. No one was arrested during the raid, he added. It was the fourth time this year that authorities have raided an illegal Bitcoin mine in Ratchaburi Province." 

So what's going on here? Well illegal Bitcoin mining primarily. It's my understanding power is the major input in Bitcoin mining that has to be accounted for and it seems some folks are availing themselves of the better nature for lack of a better term, of Thai landlords not really sort of predicting that people will come and use their space in order to use up a great deal of electricity in order to mine Bitcoin, and it seems to have become a problem. Moreover there are also Work Permit violations associated with operating such an operation here in Thailand which Thai Officials are going to be rather serious about. So the thing to take away from this video and understand is, if you are looking to come to Thailand and operate in the crypto currency space including in the mining space, you want to be well aware of all relevant rules and regulations here in Thailand and also try to avoid where possible, having a criminal warrant or a search warrant issued in association with that type of operation. It is possible to conduct such an operation in a legitimate sort of up and up manner here. 

That said, those who are engaging or trying to engage or continuing to engage in this endeavour illegally, are probably going to find themselves the subject of increasing Police scrutiny here in the Kingdom of Thailand.