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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawBorder Running to Become More Common in Thailand?

Border Running to Become More Common in Thailand?

I'm going to do a quick bumper for a lot of these Immigration videos that we are going to be doing moving forward because there are a number of options that have come up here recently and unfortunately there has just been a lot of nonsensical talk throughout the ether of the internet as well as in even like the mainstream press; the print press has been talking a lot about Immigration and quite honestly, not all of the conclusions that they are drawing are correct. So the point of this bumper if you will, is for me to just kind of remind people, it is not a terrible idea to contact a legal professional who deals with Immigration on a regular basis because there are a number of options now available for foreigners looking to be in Thailand long- term. Some of them are going to be more optimal than others depending on your own circumstances.

Transcript of the above video: 

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Border Running here in Thailand. For those who are unaware, there are a number of new Visa sort of options that have come on the screen, the radar if you will here in Thailand here recently. We've seen for example the LTR Visa, the so-called Long-term Residence Visa which as I have described in many other videos is not actually a Resident Visa, it is more or less a Long Stay Visa. Meanwhile, we have now also seen this so-called Destination Thailand Visa be unveiled although we haven't actually seen how it plays out in practice. There has been a lot of talk about this visa from the get-go, quite honestly Ministry of Foreign Affairs has gone on a Public Relations blitz with regard to this Visa, but remember it is Immigration who ultimately will be enforcing the rules and protocols associated with Thai Immigration Law and policy, and policy can change regardless of if Law changes. So again, as we discussed, the DTV is out there but it's not the sort of magic bullet if you will option that it is sort of portrayed to be. I expect it will be useful for again a narrow subset of folks that may want to enjoy it but comparatively, and when we are talking about other Visa categories, there are many other options, and foreigners who are looking to come here would be well advised to contact somebody, gain some insight and guidance into what visa options there are out there. 

That being said, once you are here, what is a Border Run? Well the Border Run is exactly what it sounds like, oftentimes; the physical running to a border to check out, check back in the country in order to maintain lawful status. Now this can occur either via air, land or sea. Now in the past, we saw a lot of Land Border Runs. I expect especially going out about 6, 9 months from now we are going to see a number of land Border Runs occurring again but how exactly that plays out remains to be seen.

That said, as we have discussed in other videos, and I have certain bumpers on some of these Immigration videos, we do offer Border Run services. For those who are looking for assistance in doing a Border Run, it might not be a terrible idea to contact us. If you are looking at moving to Thailand generally, probably a good idea to contact us, gain some insight and guidance into the best visas and whether or not you even need to do a Border Run.