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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawBorder Runs and the New Thai Visa Exemption Scheme?

Border Runs and the New Thai Visa Exemption Scheme?

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I wanted to make this sort of bumper to let folks know about Visa packages or Immigration packages here in Thailand. There have been a lot of changes to Immigration laws, rules, protocols and procedures roughly the last year or so here - well no, the last 5 Years in earnest - but in the last year we have seen even more acute changes if you will. For this this reason I want to make everybody aware, we have a Border Run Service here in our office. We assist people in setting up Border Runs. 

Now to be clear, that's not all we do and this is kind of more bespoke thing where we set Border Runs for folks to assist them in maintaining lawful Immigration status here in the Kingdom. We also can assist with different types of visas, not just the newer ones which by the way just because a visa is new, doesn't necessarily mean it's a great thing. There are ups and downs to all types of Visas. So the thing to take away from this, what I'm trying to make a point is in this sort of bumper video, is we are assisting with Border Runs; we do always assist with Thai Immigration. Anybody that is interested in those services, please feel free to contact us. Now on with this video. 

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing well basically Border Runs and how that interacts with Thai Visa Exemption Scheme just generally speaking, Border Runs generally. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Pattaya Mail, that is, the article is titled: The 60 days Visa exempt and Destination Thailand Visa empower Immigration Officers. Quoting directly: "Khun Naruchai," and as we discussed in other videos, there was this thing where the Ministry Foreign Affairs has been on like a PR blitz talking about some new visas. And as I discussed in other videos, at the end of the day Ministry Foreign Affairs can be insightful into how visas are issued, but how Immigration is going to deal with people at ports of entry and things that's not what really within Ministry Foreign Affairs' bailiwick; that's a matter for Thai Immigration here internally under the authority of the Interior Ministry. That said, quoting further: "Khun Naruchai clarified that tourists from 93 countries receiving the visa-exempt 60 days on entry, could indeed extend for a further 30 days at local Immigration." And see, that's an interesting one. He brings that up but does he know that? I mean has Immigration said that? Quoting further: "They could then, if they wish, leave the country, return the following (not the same) day to obtain a new 60 days and repeat the whole procedure." Again that is going to be adjudicated at the border and admissibility or inadmissibility is going to be adjudicated at the border by an Immigration Officer on the ground. That doesn't have anything to do with Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Quoting further: "This has implications for the celebrated, single-day border runs which have traditionally operated through agencies in Bangkok and the provinces. If implemented fully, repeat if, these tourists would need to pay for a night's accommodation in a foreign country, thus raising costs." Again emphasis on "if". We don't know exactly what this is going to look like. These things have just come about. It takes a little bit of time before we start to see exactly how new initiatives especially within Immigration, are going to be dealt with from a practical manner. 

So that being said, we will certainly keep people updated on updated on this channel as this situation evolves so stay tuned. But that said, do not just see something on the internet and take it as the absolute truth regarding exactly how the Immigration process is going to work, because quite honestly everybody's case is just going to be slightly different.