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Can Cryptocurrency Be Used To Support A Thai Retirement Visa?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing cryptocurrency and can it used as the basis for financial evidence associated with Retirement Visa application and extension. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article, no it's actually not an article, sorry, excuse me. It was a comment on one of our prior videos, quoting directly: "Can you do an article - I think they meant a video - on cryptocurrency and whether it counts toward your Visa as capital rather than fiat"  

Yeah I've actually done a video on this sometime ago. Yeah for now at least, cryptocurrency in and of itself is not viewed as a basis if you will for visa application, nor is it viewed as a basis for example the O Retirement Visa Extension here in Thailand. As noted in prior videos, 800,000 in a bank account or 65,000 Baht per month. As we discussed in one video I made, there is this sort of mixing option but it's very nebulous and as a practical matter, I hardly ever see anybody use it. So to my mind, the rules of thumb are 800,000 Baht maintained in a Thai Bank Account or 65,000 Baht a month in some sort of pension income, coming in monthly used as proof to both apply for and extend a Retirement Visa here in Thailand. Again, note, it's denominated in Thai Baht. 

Part of the reason for the creation of the Retirement Visa was to if you will, induce capital - foreign capital specifically - to come into Thailand and to reside here at least in small chunks. I don't think that we're going to see any major changes any time in the near future where we're going to see that change. They want to see foreign exchange come in to Thailand and then be converted into Baht and then that Baht in whatever form it is - either income or lump sum - being used to maintain one's Retirement Visa status here in the Kingdom. Now you can bring crypto into Thailand, convert it into Baht, put into a bank account and use that as a basis but cryptocurrency itself, at least as of the time of this video, cannot be used as a basis for financial evidence to maintain and extend a Retirement Visa here in the Kingdom of Thailand.