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Can I Retire and Work in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing retirement in Thailand. The question posed is: "Can I retire and work in Thailand?" We have done a number of videos on this channel before but my first thing that I will say is "well sure you can if you are willing to meet the requirements, meet the rules in Thailand." 

What I mean by this is Retirement Visas in Thailand are specifically not work authorized; they are designed to not have work authorization, so understand that first and foremost. Now I know they are discussing these so-called long-term Residence Visas which we have discussed in detail, aren't really Residence Visas and yeah they will maybe have work authorization components to them, I am not talking about all that. I am talking about the standard Retirement Visas the O-A or the O Retirement Visa. Both of these are explicitly not work authorized. Now that said, if in your own life you just want to retire from your job and set up a business here in Thailand and work in that business, sure you can. There's no problem with that. We set up a number of folks who are otherwise retired from their working life but they do enjoy having something to do here in Thailand, a small business often sometimes becomes a pretty thriving operation and it ends up getting even bigger than they thought it would, but yeah it is possible to work in Thailand you just have to adhere to the rules. In this case, dealing with the setting up a company, doing a Business Visa, doing a Work Permit and then yes under that circumstance somebody who is otherwise retired, although in Thailand they would be in Business Visa and Work Permit status, that person can go ahead and work here in Thailand. 

The person who can't work here in Thailand legally is the person who comes into Thailand, maintains a Retirement Visa. As noted again the Retirement Visa is explicitly not authorized for work in the Kingdom.