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Cutting Through the Noise: The Path to Real Residency in Thailand

Transcript of the above video: 

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing actual Permanent Residence here in Thailand. Unlike other people out in the ether of the internet, I have really tried to keep Thai Immigration matters quite honestly as dry as I can in a certain way because it is a dry topic. It's a serious topic. I never got into this particularly to be a YouTuber, I'm just trying to get the information out to people. Yes there is a promotional aspect of this channel but one of the reasons I did this was to cut through the noise of everything having to do with Thai Immigration because for years, it was just a lot of nonsense and I am starting to see that same fog of just completely erroneous data starting to again sort of overtake if you will, the expat space. 

That said, the point of this video is to cut through the noise. And let's be clear, the LTR Visa - so-called Residency - is not a Residence Visa. Other types of visas, Thailand Elite now called Thailand Privilege for whatever reason, that Visa is also not Permanent Residence. 

There is Lawful Permanent Residence here in Thailand. How do you get it? Generally speaking you have to spend a prolonged amount of time here in Thailand; you need to have evidence of taxes paid; you're going to need to show that you have been working in Thailand for a prolonged period of time and there are also going to be some other points and things associated with the application for Permanent Residence. Same can be said for citizenship as well should you get Permanent Residence and decide to proceed further. 

But long story short, there are a number of requirements associated with PR not least of which is generally speaking especially for the self-employed, Company ownership is going to be kind of an integral part if you will of the process of getting Permanent Residence here in Thailand, again, specifically for the self-employed. And those folks who are self-employed that are going through the process, those types of folks that have their own company will find themselves in my opinion in a lot better position compared to folks who really didn't plan ahead because they have got their docs in order. On top of that, if they own their own company, it's easy for them to get their corporate documentation which might be required as part of the package for application for Permanent Residence here in the Kingdom of Thailand.