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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawDestination Thailand and Other Visa Packages?

Destination Thailand and Other Visa Packages?

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I wanted to sort of make this bumper to let folks know about Visa packages or Immigration packages here in Thailand. There have been a lot of changes to Immigration laws, rules, protocols and procedures roughly the last year or so; well no the last five years in earnest, but in the last year we have seen even more acute changes if you will. For this reason, I want to make everybody aware, we have a Border Run service here in our office; we assist people in setting up Border Runs. Now to be clear, that is not all we do. This is kind of more a bespoke thing where we set up border runs for folks to assist them in maintaining lawful Immigration status here in the Kingdom. We also can assist with different types of visas, not just the newer ones which by the way just because a Visa is new, doesn't necessarily mean it's a great thing; there are ups and downs to all types of visas. So the thing to take away from this, what I'm trying to make a point is in this sort of bumper video is we are assisting with Border Runs, we do always assist with Thai immigration. Anybody that is interested in those services, please feel free to contact us. Now on with this video. 

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the Destination Thailand Visa and even other Visa packages. People have been sort of contacting us, asking us questions, quite honestly there has been this sort of fever surrounding the Destination Thailand Visa. It does have certain applications again, that could be positive. Again as we have said in other videos, we are still seeing this roll out. It's really disconcerting to see a bunch of lay people who frankly have no idea what they are talking about, talking about this as if they know something and then meanwhile going around talking to folks about the ongoing Immigration implications, without actually talking to people that will have authority to enforce relevant Immigration Law within the Kingdom, should that become necessary down the line. Again at the end of the day we don't know every aspect and every little permutation as to how the Destination Thailand Visa is going to play out as a practical matter. 

That said, we have researched it and we are now very confident of being able to provide sort of package services associated with the Destination Thailand Visa including but not limited to things like assistance with extensions, assistance with Border Runs, assistance with ongoing compliance with relevant Thai Law. We can assist with all of that and, and this is another big one and it is one of the reasons why I like to do consults with folks, in fact I pretty much demand to do consults with folks before we even get into the high weeds if you will of both Visa processing and dealing with the practicalities here in Thailand. And that reason is, for example the Destination Thailand Visa depending on your circumstances may not be the most optimal visa for you. Again it is going to depend. There may be other options. The standard Retirement Visa, certain aspects of the Elite Visa although I imagine that is going to be limited circumstances where that is going to be optimal. Meanwhile, there are other types of visas - Marriage Visas, Business Visas, Work Permits - again depending on your circumstances and what you want to do here in Thailand, it may not necessarily be optimal to utilize one particular type of Visa. There may be things quite honestly most folks out there honestly, don't know what they don't know. I don't know how many people I talk to initial discussions where they say: “oh wow, I never came to that, I never knew that was an option. Yeah I am definitely going to go with that.” Or “I never knew that I didn't have to do XYZ and I don't need to put it any more work or I don't need to put in any more money and resources, I am okay where I am at.” - again, depending on circumstances.

There are a number of these type of if you will variables that basically I and the rest of the team need to look at to understand where someone stands and what the most optimal Visa option is for that particular person. Again it is going to depend, but that said, we do have different packages and we do now have a package very much ready if you will to assist and to facilitate long-term lawful status here in Thailand via either the Destination Thailand Visa, Long-term Resident Visa, so-called LTR, things like Smart Visas, Business Visas, Marriage Visas, Retirement Visas, Elite Visas; there are all sorts of options and again you are very wise to get started on the right foot when you come to Thailand. Get into the right visa from the outset and that way everything's pretty well smooth from that point forward. But again, different peoples’ circumstances are going to dictate different optimal conclusions and options with regard to how they want to maintain their lawful status in Thailand. So for that reason, we have multiple packages for folks who want to come travel here and remain here on a long-term basis.