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Do I Need a Work Permit to Run a Thai Company On a DTV Visa?

Transcript of the above video: 

As the title of this video suggests, we are posing the question do I need a Work Permit in order to operate a company here in Thailand on a Destination Thailand Visa? 

Now there are going to be a lot of people unfortunately out there in the ether of the internet that are going to come up with all kinds of nonsensical reasons why, "oh you can do whatever you want on a Destination Thailand Visa," blah blah blah, you can't. We've researched it to this point and it is clear, yes the Destination Thailand Visa got rid of the sort of overriding onus that has existed here in Thailand for a number of years regarding what constitutes work, whether or not somebody who has to get on a phone or online and maybe do something for some company or organization or enterprise that is outside of Thailand, you may have to chime in, you may have to consult, you may have to do something of this nature outside of Thailand. Again the provisions of the Decree pertaining to the Destination Thailand Visa make it clear that no they are not looking to go after people for work authorization issues in that context. 

However that then poses the question "what about in Thailand?" What if I want to operate a business here in Thailand? Well it is very clear. As we have discussed in other videos, you need explicit work authorization in order to work in Thailand and notwithstanding the sort of I don't know what you want to call, clemency regarding work authorization associated with the DTV or the LTR Visa or any of these other visas where, even the Retirement Visa, we are kind of researching into how the recent Decree, does it have ramifications on the Retirement Visa - let's not get into that right now, it's kind of murky. 

That said, long story short with regard to the DTV, the Destination Thailand Visa specifically, yes if you want to work in Thailand, you need a Work Permit; that's clear from the Decree and everything we have seen. Now if you are doing something for some offshore entity that has nothing to do with Thailand, but you happen to be in Thailand when you received an email or something, no. No one is going to eat your lunch over that; nobody's looking to crack down on that within the Immigration apparatus but understand, working in Thailand including for a Thai Business, Thai Enterprise, it doesn't have to be incorporated, working in Thailand across the board continues to require work authorization in order to be considered in compliance with relevant Thai Law.