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Do New COVID Insurance Rules Apply to Thai O Retirement Visas?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing O Retirement Visas in the context of recently discussed changes to rules forthcoming regarding maintenance and application for Thai O-A Retirement Visas, Thai O-A Retirement Visas. 

I am going to go ahead and throw this on screen. This is from ASEAN NOW, that is I am just going to quote the title: How are the Non-Immigrant Visa O-A (Long Stay Visa) Requirements Changing? They go into a lot of detail on there; we have done other videos on this channel about this. Long story short, there is a lot going on with this. From August 2022 effectively for everyone, there will now be a requirement from that point forward based on what appears to be a Cabinet resolution at least in principle, Thai O-A Retirees will be required to have COVID insurance in addition to the current Insurance requirement of Baht400,000 inpatient, Baht40,000 outpatient it is currently associated with O-A status so from August there will be an additional requirement August of 2022, let me be clear there will be an additional requirement of the COVID-19 insurance for O-A Visas. 

Thus far and everything I have read, this does not appear to apply to O Retirees, folks that are in O status not O-A status as retirees here in Thailand. That appears to be the case. Now there is a lot of time between now and August. It remains to be seen whether regulations may change and this may pertain to Thai O Retirement Visas. Frankly, I am not even going to really speculate on that. I don't know if that is going to happen. A piece of me sort of thinks it is unlikely but you never know and I am not going to go any further into speculation on that. For now suffice it to say it looks like it pertains to O Retirees and not O-A Retirees

Hi, Benjamin Hart again, just kind of adding this in. Right there at the end of that video I made a mistake. This pertains to O-A Retirees, not O Retirees so this is a post-script here. I just wanted to correct myself so nobody has any misconceptions about what is going on. To clarify again, O Retirement Visas appear unaffected by these regulatory changes. O-A Visas will be affected come 2022.