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Do Thailand Elite Visas Require Re-Entry Permits?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the Thailand Elite Visa and a question that often comes up especially here recently is: "Do Thailand Elite Visas require Re-Entry Permits?" The answer to this is strictly speaking no, although there could be a scenario where it might. It depends on how you are maintaining Elite status. If you have an Elite Visa that has been extended here in Thailand, and for whatever reason, I can't see many scenarios where this would be required but you want to maintain that extension status, it may be required to obtain a Re-Entry Permit. 

But the Thailand Elite itself operates very much akin to the so-called multi-entry visas wherein when you leave and you come back in, every time you come in, you just get stamped in for a year up to the end of the duration of the underlying Visa itself so whatever is on the actual Visa sticker you will get a year but it will depend on exactly how much time you have inherent to your underlying Elite Visa status.

So the long story short is no you don't really need a re-entry permit. There could be a set of circumstances where you may get one. Again it might depend if you did your extension in country; that would be odd but it could happen. But long story short, No, Thailand Elite Visas do not in and of themselves require a Re-Entry permit in order to maintain Elite Visa status here in the Kingdom of Thailand.