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Do a "Tiny Number" of Foreigners Have Work Permits in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Work Permits in Thailand. I got to thinking about Work Permits and how many foreigners have Work Permits in Thailand as I was reading a recent article from the Pattaya Mail, that is, the article is titled: Future insurance requirements for foreigners entering Thailand still muddled. I would urge those who are watching this video to go check out that article because I'm just quoting a tiny little excerpt that got me thinking at a tangent and there is a lot more in that that really doesn't pertain to this video. Quoting directly: "Foreigners of course are not so covered," talking about insurance coverage "unless in possession of a Work Permit authorized by the Ministry of Labour. That is a tiny number." That got me thinking.

Is it really that tiny a number of foreign nationals, of expats in Thailand who have Work Permits? It might be, I don't have all the stats and actually now that I am thinking about it I am probably going to go out and try to find the actual stats on total number of foreign nationals in Thailand at any given time, or kind of a rounded off number because there are folks in Thailand on Visa Extension stamps, Tourist Visas, that are foreign nationals but they are not really living here. Then non- Immigrants, people on O Visas, married or retired, O-A Retirement Visas even Education Visas, Business Visas generally those folks are going to have a Work Permit although not all the time. Sometimes you will see somebody only temporarily in Thailand on a Business Visa and then they leave again. But it kind of got me to thinking, I was reading that and I thought "are there really a small number of Work Permit holders? Is the number really that small?" I guess to me it doesn't seem like it because we deal with so many people who do maintain their Work Permit but I guess you could say there are a number of folks out there that don't have them.

I mean if you are going to work in Thailand understand you have to have work authorization if you are foreign national, that is that is clear. As we have discussed in other videos the way they define work in Thailand is basically "anything" so under the circumstances, under your circumstances you will probably be able to know if you need to Work Permit but it just got me to thinking, is it really a tiny number of folks in Thailand that have a Work Permit.