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"Entry Thailand" Online System for Vaccinated Travelers

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the "Entry Thailand" online platform associated with travel to Thailand. This is specifically being designed for vaccinated travelers to Thailand and the documentation associated with Certificates of Entry which as we have seen from certain press and from our research in what is going on in the Thai Immigration System, Certificates of Entry are kind of said it appears to be morphing into Certificates of Vaccinations so we will keep you updated on that set of circumstances as it progresses. 

For now, it looks like this "Entry Thailand" platform, and we ourselves are just now getting a handle on how to deal with this thing, is basically a platform for dealing with documentation associated with the vaccinations, vaccination records for those who are looking to come to Thailand and possibly obtaining truncated quarantine of 7 days as opposed to 10 or 14 days quarantine here in Thailand. 

We will keep updated on this channel as this situation progresses because as I said, we ourselves are still wrapping our heads around how this system works and we do like to keep our clients and other viewers on this channel updated so we will do so as and when we have further information to report.