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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration LawA "Foreigner Presence in" Thailand App?

A "Foreigner Presence in" Thailand App?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the possibility of an App in Thailand which allows foreigners to notify Thai Immigration, specifically the Thai Government, Thai Immigration of their presence in Thailand. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from Pattaya Mail, that is, the article is titled: Expanded homestay seen as a booster for Thai tourist numbers. Quoting directly: "Mr. Limjaroenrat" (and that is the presumptive PM; currently we are kind of in a state of well between the election and the time that the Parliament opens, we have yet to see what kind of coalition gets formed and who ends up being the Prime Minister but at present most folks presume that Mr. Limjaroenrat will end up being the Prime Minister due to the showing at the polls. Again that remains to be seen but that is kind of where things stand at the moment.) So quoting directly: "Mr. Limjaroenrat has also suggested Immigration rule changes to allow visitors to stay longer, although he gave no details. More pressingly, he might order an investigation into the rules that tourists and expats find so irksome - registration of address on arrival (TM30) and re-registration every 90 days (TM47). If Cambodia can find a far simpler and once-only system - the fully automated foreigner presence in Cambodia app - why not Thailand?" 

So the question being posed is Cambodia seems to have this app wherein foreigners can just notify on the app and that's it. Again I think some sort of digitization of this is probably a good idea. Now bear in mind, as stipulated in the Immigration Act of 1979 here in Thailand, the ongoing TM47 seems to still be required so even with an app, it wouldn't just be a one-off notification at least as the law currently stands on Immigration here in Thailand as of the time of this video. So that said, any type of app or anything that could provide more convenience to folks that are traveling in the Kingdom would probably be a good thing. Of note they seem to be talking about this in this article and I urge those who are watching this video go read that article in detail, they seem to be talking about this in the context of tourists. Most tourists don't really have to deal with TM30 because most of the time they are not going to be in Thailand for 90 days or more. TM30 pertains to non-immigrant Visa holders primarily or anyone for that matter who remain in Thailand for an unbroken period of 90 days or more at which point address registration is required or address notification I should say. So again, I don't know how this exactly directly pertains to tourism but as far as Non-Immigrants go, yeah I totally get it. Now whether or not we will actually see an app of this nature here in Thailand that remains to be seen although we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as the situation evolves.