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ResourcesVisa & Immigration LawThailand Immigration Law"Grandfathered Out" of Insurance for Thai Retirement Visas?

"Grandfathered Out" of Insurance for Thai Retirement Visas?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing being "grandfathered out" of insurance here in Thailand. I have done other videos with a very similar title on insurance as well as on income requirements and things but long story short there are those in the past that got "grandfathered in" if you will to the old rules regarding financial requirements associated with Thai Retirement Visas. We have done other videos on that. There was a time when folks who were in, and in retiree status prior to a certain date only needed to show 200,000 then 400,000, or was it 600,000, Baht in bank balance. Then folks that came in after that had to deal with what we deal with now the 800,000 requirement. Then at the same time in a way the O Retirement Visa kind of is a "grandfathering out" of insurance requirements for those who are in O extensions status and continue to maintain their retiree status via the O Retirement Visa extension. In a way, they are sort of out of the whole system that came online October 2019 requiring specifically O-A Retirees to maintain Insurance. 

The point of this video, there has been a lot of consternation out there. Folks have contacted us and I do know people are concerned and I am hoping these videos at least by providing some insight, give people some better clarity. As we see it right now, for those who want to continue to just remain in Thailand in O retiree status they are effectively "grandfathered out" of insurance; they don't need to deal with insurance. 

Now as we have  talked about another videos and as you will see throughout the internet there is a lot of talk on this, it looks to me like and I don't know exactly how this is going to play out, exactly what the insurance requirement is going to look like but it looks like those who even on O Retirement Visas as opposed to an O-A who want to leave the Kingdom and come back in, especially when dealing with the Thailand Pass system which is the legacy system of the Certificate of Entry, those folks are going to need some kind of insurance. Exactly what it looks like still is a little bit hazy and we are going to try to keep folks updated on this situation as the situation evolves.