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Inspections For New Thai B Visa And Work Permit Applicants?

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I am making this video today to talk about the fact that there is now an increasing number of inspections. In fact I would say it is a good rule of thumb to presume an inspection in a new Business Visa and/or - they are sort of tied together - Work Permit, Business Visa application, and we are seeing this quite frequently now.

Now it is not something to freak out about. If you have done things the correct way, and your ducks are in a row, it's just effectively a formality is something you just have to deal with. But understand, first of all, in order to live and work in Thailand you need a Business Visa and Work Permit and those who are trying to live and work here should be aware that during the process of adjudicating that application, these days we are now seeing a number of spot inspections associated with that adjudication. 

Where is this coming from? Well our sources are telling us it's primarily coming from something of a backlash if you will from various enforcement agencies who are pretty unhappy about the spate of so-called 'foreigners behaving badly' the last 6 months here in Thailand. The upshot of this is increased scrutiny across the board. I don't think it's particularly warranted to increase the scrutiny on those who are maintaining Work Permit and Business Visa status here in Thailand. That said, I'm coming at this from a Bangkok perspective primarily, and when you are reading the Phuket News for example or the publications in Phuket, you'll often find that wow they have got a real rash of problems associated with people working illegally or getting a Work Permit in order to engage in restricted occupations here in Thailand. So when I look at it in sort of a broader sense, I am not overly surprised that we are seeing a larger or we're seeing more frequent if you will instances of Work Permit and Business Visa inspections from both Thai Immigration and the Labour Department here in the Kingdom of Thailand.