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"Karens" Don't Exist in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing “Karens”, the euphemistic term used for folks that are kind of busybody, know it all, nosy folks trying to tell everybody what to do. 

I recently read an article from our friends over at the Thaiger, that is, the article is titled: The top 10 hard truths of living as an Expat in Thailand. My tip of the hat to you folks over there but this excerpt just kind of tickled me so I thought I would share it and kind of think about it. Quoting directly: "Karens" don't exist in Thailand because that sort of outrageous, entitled behavior simply doesn't work in the Land of Smiles”. And then it seems to be said as an aside: “(It doesn't seem to work well in Western countries either except making tiktokers and YouTubers rich)" 

Well yeah, I do think that folks that try to tell other people what to do all the time and sort of act outrageously and entitled it doesn't go over real well with respect to Thailand. Now as a person that has expressed his own opinions here on YouTube, I will say that there is one thing. I think expressing an opinion toward letting people do what they want is sort of the antithetical to the “Karen” mindset but yeah, I do have to say having that kind of overbearing, self-righteous attitude where somebody is just going to tell you how the 'cow ate the cabbage' that doesn't go over real well in Thailand. I couldn't agree with the Thaiger more. That is just not something that is going to resonate very well with the locals so if you are a "Karen" and you are looking to come to Thailand, maybe you should look elsewhere.