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Many Different People Have Thai Permanent Residence And Citizenship

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Permanent Residence, excuse me Citizenship and the point of this video, well let me just get to it. I thought of making this video after reading a recent comment on our channel after, reading well it was on a different video regarding work authorization. Quoting directly: "What about all those Indians and Pakistani and Bangladeshi who are working in shops outside suit shops, market stalls, in restaurants as waiters or at the front of them etc. It is strange that they have for years, (I think "been working" was what they meant) working in an industry which should only be for Thais but they don't do anything." 

Well a couple of things, you make get a really broad sort of generalization there with regard to these type of nationalities but another point I would bring up is look it's not only, there's no one specific group that comes to Thailand and then engages in becoming things like Permanent Resident and Citizenship, there are a number of different nationalities that immigrate here and become PR, maintain Work Permits and become citizens. In fact, I know a number of tailors that are ostensibly of Indian origin that are in fact Thai. They may be naturalized, they may be second or third generation here in Thailand, they may be ethnically primarily Indian or some other nationality - Pakistani, I know a community of those folks too, that have Thai nationality. They may seem like they are not Thai, I seem like I am not Thai but I am Thai. I have Thai nationality and you know people will say, "well why can you do this?" And I will say, "well I am Thai." That maybe in more cases than I think many people think the situation, where they think they are dealing with like a third country national where in reality they are just dealing with another Thai. It just happens to be an ethnically slightly different Thai. 

Now again these are small numbers compared to the overall population of the Kingdom but that being said, we are talking about foreigners who are in and of themselves a really small number of folks in the Kingdom who are operating in really small areas generally. We used to call certain parts of Bangkok the Farang ghettos because it was primarily where all the farang lived, and so they had kind of a skewed perspective on Bangkok because they were viewing it through a very narrow prism. So again, that would be my main response to that is more folks than you would think, have Permanent Residence or nationality here in the Kingdom of Thailand.